
Showing posts from January, 2018

David and Goliath Chapter Two

                                                         David and Goliath Chapter Two           Chapter two of Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath Focus’s on our worlds view that having more is always better. Gladwell points out the significant of working hard for what you have to build character and work ethic. Gladwell interviewed one of Hollywood’s most powerful people. He grew up working for everything that he had by shoveling and raking for neighbors and working for his father’s scrap metal business. He grew up wishing for more than he had and setting a goal to achieve that. Now that he is a millionaire he finds it very hard to teach his children the same hard work ethic he deve...

What you didnt know about Goliath

                              The book David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell focus’ on the story of you guessed it David and Goliath. In the introduction Gladwell begins by explaining the well-known story of the battle between David and Goliath. After explaining this story, he then begins to focus on Goliath. At first glance Goliath looks big and intimidating, but if you look at his behavior in the story this isn’t totally true. Medical experts now believe that Goliath had a rare condition called acromegaly which would have caused his enormous size and his lack of sight. Because of this he would have had no idea what David was doing until it was too late. Gladwell started his book out this way because he wanted us to see that our giants aren’t as scary as they seem. He wanted to make sure we get the story right.        If I am totally honest I was not very interested in this book at fi...